Apex Legends continues to bring out new weapons for each individual Legend in the game. While these weapons are just replacements for the melee attacks, which is the same speed and damage for every Legends, the unique weapons are certainly fun additions. The next one slated is apparently Ash. Here is a look at the potentially leaked Apex Legends Ash Heirloom.
Ever since they added the Wraith Kunai as an heirloom, fans have been wanting each Legend to have one as well. Right now, the developers have made their way to Seer. He was the last legend to get his Showstoppers which many players agreed were very interesting.
The way the developers have been going is that they are releasing them by the release date of each Legend. So they started with the original Legends and have been making their way through the list. That is why so many have been expecting it to be Ash.
Read more: https://thegamehaus.com/apex-legends/apex-legends-ash-heirloom-potentially-leaked/2023/03/23/
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