Hazbin Hotel is an adult animated musical-comedy created by YouTube animator Viviene Medrano, or ‘Vivziepop.’ Released as a pilot episode on YouTube, the first episode of Hazbin Hotel has generated a lot of interest – 3 years since its release, that pilot episode, a collaborative work between different animators and voice actors, is sitting at 90 million views as of October 5th 2023.
However, just as much as this project has a dedicated fan following behind it, so too has it raised a lot of questions about when and if the show will continue. Hazbin Hotel getting picked up by A24 Pictures back in August 2020 has only generated more hype. So, where does that leave the future of the show? Here is everything we know about Hazbin Hotel: Episode 2.
Read more: https://culturedvultures.com/hazbin-hotel-episode-2/
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